PPE is "any equipment intended to be worn by workers to protect them against risks likely to threaten their safety or health at work, as well as any complement or accessory intended for that purpose". According to Directive 89/656/EEC.
But they must be worn correctly, otherwise the protection is not 100% effective and mistakes in the use of PPE are more common than we think.
How to avoid mistakes when using PPE?
1º Ensure that the PPE has a certificate of conformity, as this guarantees that it has passed safety tests and is fit for use.
2º You need to be aware of expiry dates. Most PPE has an expiry date. Up until the specified date, the equipment can be used safely. After the expiry date, the equipment loses its properties, reducing the level of protection.
3º Most equipment comes in one size. It's extremely important to wear the correct size PPE, so make sure you're getting the right size before you buy any equipment.
4º From the moment you start using PPE, you cannot take it off in the middle of the job, as an accident could then occur. PPE must be worn from the beginning to the end of the work being carried out.
The main thing is to know the risks of the workplace environment
It is the company's responsibility to assess the structure of the site and check that the necessary PPE is in place to prevent accidents at work. It must also train workers in the risks involved and check that PPE is used on a daily basis, because the most common human error is to think that accidents at work only happen to other people.
And don't forget: using safety equipment incorrectly is just as dangerous as not using it at all!
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