
Welding PPE: what you need to work safely

17 June 2022

Welding PPE: what you need to work safely

Welding is one of the most widespread activities in industry.

Do you think you really know the risks inherent in this type of work? Let's find out.

With a regular presence in the gas, metal, oil and construction industries, among others, welding is part of many workers' lives

For these individuals, PPE is essential as it safeguards their safety.

Is it important to wear welding PPE?

Welding work involves a number of risks. Permanent exposure to all kinds of metal parts, torches, cutting operators and welding machines means that you are subject to a number of risks to your hands, arms, head, body and eyes.

Estilhaços, calor e ruído são fatores que podem ter consequências muito graves para a pele, olhos e ouvidos dos trabalhadores. Queimaduras, lesões oculares e perda de audição são algumas das complicações que podem surgir com a soldadura. O recurso a equipamentos de proteção individual é indispensável!



  • Welder's jacket;
    - Welder's apron;
    - Cuffs;
    - Fireproof pants;
    - Protective boots;
    - Specific gloves for welding;
    - Goggles;
    - Ear plugs;
    - Head mask for welding.

Each of these pieces of equipment has specific characteristics to reduce risks and keep you safe when welding.

Crute is a material widely used in welding protection equipment. But why? Crute is a type of leather that is very resistant to abrasion.

Protective apron for welding

Specially designed for use in welding work, the apron is made of crute, has straps and buckle fastening also made of crute and is sewn with Kevlar thread.

Crute cuff

Cuffs are essential for this area. They are made of crute with aramid yarn for greater resistance.

Protective boots

Welding boots are very important for protecting employees.

As well as being lightweight, they provide comfort and resistance to temperatures of up to 300ºC.

It has a metal toecap and a puncture-resistant insole.

Take advantage of the 15% discount on the entire store and buy your pair now! Code: 15JNSF.

Welding head mask

The welding head mask is undoubtedly one of the most important pieces of equipment for protecting workers. There are two types of welding masks: those that protect the entire head and those that protect only the face.

We recommend the mask that protects the entire head, taking into account the safety range. It features a removable window, opening lenses, added reinforcement at the top of the mask, protection for the neck from sparks and splashes and adjustable suspension with a roller.

If you have any questions about welding PPE, don't hesitate to contact us: contact us at and visit us in our online store


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