About Us

NorSafe – Commercial Society for Individual Protection Equipment, Lda

Taxpayer 507 278 666
Capital Social 200.000€

NorSafe® Lda was founded in 2005 with a focus on protection and safety at work. As this is a growing market and of great importance in the daily lives of workers, it is essential to ensure working conditions that safeguard their physical and mental health and safety.

Attentive to the development of the area, Norsafe® achieved great growth at the start of its activity, overcoming the various difficulties that the market presented.

Based on its know-how, Norsafe® has joined forces with all its international partners and suppliers in order to offer customers a satisfactory price/quality ratio.

We present a wide range of products, offering a comprehensive service in the area of safety and personal protection, provided by exclusive representatives of some international brands.

As a company, we work hard every day to become an obligatory reference at national level, as well as on the international market.

It is the managing partner's 25 years' experience in the market that has enabled us to refine and expand our knowledge.

Our commitment is to find and present the best solutions for each client, thus fostering a relationship of total client satisfaction, always aiming to create and maintain relationships of loyalty and trust between suppliers, employees and clients.

To this end, on January 12, 2012, we implemented the quality certification system, taking into account the provisions of the "NP EN ISO 9001:2015" standard, always striving for quality services and products.

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