
Does it make sense to wear a personalised work uniform?

20 January 2023

A uniform is a type of clothing used in the workplace, and was first implemented in jobs that involved manual labour. This was because work clothes were seen as something that only served to protect the worker.
The concept of a personalised work uniform has changed a lot over the years, with comfort, aesthetics, design, sustainability, status and the reinforcement of a corporate image conveyed through the use of the uniform also being valued.
Nowadays, professional clothing is transversal to all areas of activity, being completely adaptable to each company, each business and the specific needs of each area of work.

As mentioned above, using a corporate work uniform has many advantages for the company, its employees and even the organisation's clients.
If workers feel that their work clothes are uncomfortable, the consequences for their safety can be enormous.
For a personalised work uniform to provide the necessary comfort, there are two key points: the raw materials used to produce it and the design of the garment itself.

When we talk about fabrics to be used in a personalised work uniform, it's important to explain how certain fabric characteristics contribute to a pleasant and comfortable working experience. These characteristics are weight (heavier fabrics tend to be denser, thicker and therefore less flexible. This type of fabric is best suited to colder environments or times of year. The heavier the weight, the more heat accumulates inside the garment).
When it comes to absorbing moisture in some work environments, workers are exposed to more extreme temperatures. If breathability, absorption and sweat release are not "managed" in the best way by work clothes, employees will have a very unpleasant experience during their activity.

For example, the work uniform of an employee working in the food industry can never have the same characteristics as that of a user working in the hotel industry. This example serves above all to demonstrate that durability has a lot to do with the context in which the personalised work uniform will be worn and its manufacture will have to respect the technical specificities of each area of activity.
A good impression is essential if you want to win your customer's trust. The first impression often defines success or failure in winning business, so a well thought-out uniform that reinforces your brand strategy is essential. This is another point that will set you apart from your competition.

Customers perceive that employees who wear a proper work uniform take more pride and motivation in their work and are therefore more willing to provide a better quality of service.
Think about your experiences as a customer. You'll certainly have more confidence in the advice of an employee wearing a company uniform than one without any corporate identification.

A well-designed personalised work uniform becomes a portable billboard, promoting a company's products and services in a cheap and effective way.
When people wear the same kind of work clothes, they feel part of a team. They feel a sense of belonging and pride in their work and company. We can therefore conclude that work uniforms help instil a sense of pride and responsibility and can turn employees into "ambassadors" for the brand inside and outside the workplace.
Finally, NorSafe specialises in the sale and personalisation of work uniforms through embroidery and printing.
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