NorSafe is a company that sells Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - "It is all the equipment, as well as any complement or accessory, intended for use by workers to protect themselves from risks to their safety and health."
Before choosing any PPE, what do you need to know?
First of all, you should carry out an assessment of the existing risks, which you can consult in Ordinance No. 988/93, of October 6, for a table (Annex I). After this risk analysis, you will have to select the PPE to minimize or even eliminate this risk. For example: You are a construction worker. What equipment do you need to protect yourself?
Helmet (protects against impacts from objects on the skull and thermal agents);
Safety glasses (protects eyes against particles and bright light)
Hearing protection (protects against sound pressure levels above 85 decibels).
Gloves (Protects hands against abrasive, cutting and piercing agents);
Footwear (protects against impacts from falling objects on the feet);
In addition to the type of risk, there are also the following factors:
- Operator characteristics; - Duration of PPE; - Risk severity; - Frequency of exposure to risk; – Características do posto de trabalho em causa;
PPE can be categorized according to the body area to be protected:
– Proteção da cabeça (ex: capacete);
– Respiratory protection (e.g. masks);
– – Respiratory protection (e.g. masks);
– Eye and facial protection (e.g. protective glasses and visors); (ex: óculos de proteção e viseiras);
– Hand protection (e.g. gloves);
– Foot protection (e.g. safety shoes);
– Body protection (Ex: fire-retardant coat);
The proper use of protective equipment minimizes or even eliminates the risk of accidents. However, we mustn't forget about CPEs - Collective Protective Equipment. Their function is to protect the collective in the workplace. In certain cases, they can be individual devices, but shared by the group, such as: the first-aid kit, signaling articles, protective barriers, among others.
One of NorSafe’s objectives is to raise awareness among workers/companies when purchasing their PPE: – Using protective equipment appropriately; – Be aware of when PPE is necessary; – Know what type of protective equipment is necessary; – Understand the limitations of PPE in protecting workers against injuries; – How to properly put on, adjust and remove PPE; – Maintain protective equipment in full working order;
The online store will help you select the correct equipment, depending on your needs!
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