Luvas Descartáveis para Cozinha
Disposable kitchen gloves
16 February 2022

When it comes to disposable gloves for the kitchen, there are several aspects that need to be addressed. As you know, [...]

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Sabe diferenciar Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI´S) e Equipamentos de Proteção Coletiva (EPC´S)?
Do you know the difference between Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Collective Protective Equipment (CPE)?
3 January 2022

NorSafe explains: In order to safeguard the well-being, safety and physical integrity of workers, companies must invest in [...]

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Protetor Auditivo. Qual devo usar?
Hearing protection. Which one should I use?
9 November 2021

There is a range of personal protective equipment that is compulsory depending on the industry. One of them is the hearing protector, [...]

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Como evitar acidentes de trabalho em altura?
How to avoid accidents when working at height?
29 October 2021

In 2019 there were 196,202 accidents at work, 104 of which resulted in death (Source: Pordata). These accidents generate a large [...]

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Os principais erros na utilização de EPIS!
The main mistakes when wearing PPE!
30 September 2021

PPE is "any equipment intended to be worn by the worker to protect him against risks likely to threaten [...]

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Óculos de proteção, qual é a diferença entre eles?
Safety goggles, what's the difference between them?
9 September 2021

The main purpose of goggles is eye protection. They prevent particles and other elements from jumping [...]

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Joelheiras de trabalho: Qual é a mais indicada?
Knee pads: Which one is best?
30 August 2021

Wearing knee pads at work is important because many workers spend countless hours on their knees. As well as [...]

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Filtros para máscara: Descubra os tipos de Filtros e como escolher o ideal!
Filters for masks: Discover the types of filters and how to choose the right one!
9 August 2021

Filters are an indispensable product for Panoramic and Semi-masks. These two products will only be effective if [...]

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Risco incêndio em Casa – Como prevenir e garantir a sua segurança!
Fire risk in the home - How to prevent it and ensure your safety!
2 August 2021

A house fire is an uncontrolled fire process that most often occurs in domestic [...]

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Máscara FFP2 – Principais dúvidas em tempos de pandemia!
FFP2 Mask - Top questions in times of pandemic!
26 July 2021

The FFP2 mask is PPE used by many professionals looking for respiratory protection for very specific situations. A [...]

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Luvas de Látex, Vinil e Nitrilo: O que são e quando utilizar?
Latex, Vinyl and Nitrile Gloves: What are they and when should they be used?
19 July 2021

Protective gloves are used in a wide variety of professional areas, and latex, vinyl and nitrile gloves are [...]

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Qual o calçado de segurança mais adequado para o seu trabalho e orçamento?
Which safety footwear is best suited to your job and budget?
29 June 2021

Safety footwear is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) designed exclusively to protect the feet of workers in factories, construction [...]

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