
How to choose the best hospital footwear

12 May 2022


Soca Professional virds 100% eva


Wearing the best hospital footwear is essential for healthcare professionals. As they spend a large part of their day on their feet and constantly on the move, it is essential that they have the most appropriate footwear.

The best hospital footwear is that which is light and comfortable, ergonomic, resistant and offering support and stability.

In short, shoes that don't make your back, feet, legs and ankles tired.

Some professionals choose to wear two different types of hospital footwear.

One for resting, softer, to use when sitting at a desk, and another for standing up, sturdier, more comfortable and ergonomic.


However, in general, hospital footwear must comply with a number of characteristics.

  • Support and stability: Hospital footwear should offer support and prevent pain in the feet, legs and spine. It should also be relatively resistant to shocks and impacts.
  • Non-slip models:In environments that are likely to get damp or wet, it's important to make sure you choose a non-slip model. This will prevent falls and slips.
  • Weight: Hospital footwear that is too heavy can lead to tiring and painful working hours. Opt for lighter, more comfortable footwear. This will help you to cope with daily activities more easily and, above all, will provide well-being and comfort for your feet.
  • The shape, height and design of the hospital footwear influence everything. While the front should be wide and deep so that the toes have all the space they need, the heel area should offer all the stability and support possible.

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