
Appropriate personal protective equipment for firefighters

14 February 2024

Firefighting is one of the most complex professions in terms of the inherent risks and the likelihood of accidents.

There is a wide range of personal protective equipment that works for the safety of professionals.


Risks inherent to the profession

Firefighters are exposed to numerous risks on a daily basis, but they can be avoided.

The consequences of not using or misusing PPE can lead to serious injuries from exposure to high temperatures, chemical and respiratory risks, falls and accidents in general, hearing loss, illnesses from viruses and bacteria, chronic lung diseases, among others.

PPE to protect firefighters

Fireproof footwear

Boots suitable for firefighters are made from flame-retardant materials. They must guarantee a degree of lightness in mobility and comfort.

Balaclava hood

This hood is largely responsible for protecting the face and head. It is made of a fabric with flame-retardant technology, which is able to withstand temperatures of up to 300ºC for a certain period of time. We recommend that you buy a high-quality hoodie so that its features last longer.

Safety helmet

The helmet must be specific to the profession, duly certified for the purpose and of high quality. It is one of the most important pieces of personal protective equipment to prevent serious injuries.

It is important to note that the helmet must be fire-resistant.

You can then combine it with safety glasses, depending on the model of helmet and the function for which it is intended.

Safety Clothing

Firefighters' clothing is also part of personal protective equipment. This uniform must be made up of 3 layers and withstand up to 1000ºC (fire resistant).

Usually, the inside of the uniform is thermal, so that the firefighter feels comfortable, even in high temperatures.


The right gloves for firefighters must incorporate high-temperature technology with extra reinforcement. Dexterity, breathability and comfort are crucial topics when choosing the best gloves for a particular purpose.

– Respiratory protection

Smoke from a fire is extremely toxic. When it is very difficult to breathe "clean air", masks and filters are indispensable.

Equipment for working at height

Safety harnesses, positioning ropes, lifelines, carabiners and retractable systems are some of the essential equipment for working at heights.

Hearing Protection

Ear muffs are essential when working with noise above the limits stipulated by EN 352.

All materials must be of the highest quality.

Finally, it should be noted that the type of PPE used by the firefighter must be in line with the job for which it is intended.

NorSafe has a wide range of products to meet the needs of firefighters, so we look forward to seeing you at

If you need any further advice or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us at or by telephone on +351 918 278 748.

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