When it comes to disposable gloves for the kitchen, there are several aspects that need to be addressed.
As you know, gloves are used to protect workers from physical, chemical and biological damage, but in the kitchen they help to combat contact with oil, grease, cuts and other damage. They also help prevent contamination caused by fungi, bacteria or small insects present in food.
Therefore, constant hygiene is a fundamental working tool, irreplaceable by any type of glove.
Many workers say that gloves get in the way and slow down their work. This is because they don't know how to choose the right glove for the job, which material is appropriate, what heat resistance is required, etc.
What is the purpose of disposable gloves in the kitchen? Is it unthinkable to reuse them?
Disposable gloves are essentially used to prevent food from coming into contact with the worker's skin, as they can contain dirt.
Latex, nitrile or vinyl gloves are a good choice when it comes to preparing cold food, so that there are no occupational risks or accidents, but above all, we keep the food intact, without dirt coming from the cook's hands.
As far as reusing disposable gloves is concerned, as the name suggests, they cannot be reused because they may be "contaminated". Even if you wash them, there are bacteria/viruses that are resistant to cleaning products, so it's not a good option to use disposable gloves that have already been used.
Types of disposable kitchen gloves:
The best-known models are latex naturalThey're a great way to protect against minor physical damage and bactericides. They provide some comfort and are great for cleaning and preparing cold meals.
Vinyl gloves are hypoallergenic, as are nitrile gloves. In other words, for those who tend to develop latex allergies, you should use these models so as not to cause skin irritation or other reactions.
Nitrile gloves are more resistant than natural latex gloves, but are slightly more expensive. They offer greater protection against other types of damage to which workers are exposed, such as corrosion caused by acids and other substances.
Nitrile gloves can be used when cooking hot meals, as they offer good sensitivity and resistance to moderate heat (up to 100ºC). It is important to note that there is no type of temperature approval that guarantees 100% hand integrity at very high temperatures.
Disposable gloves are also used wherever there is some kind of biological, physical or chemical risk. Or even in cases where the "object" being handled requires protection.
For example, Hospitals, clinicsIn other words, throughout the healthcare sector. They offer protection not only for the worker, but also for the patient.
In beauty salonsIt is also extremely necessary to use it in beauty clinics, as it protects against bacteria and chemical substances.
For whom works with cleaningwhere strong and corrosive chemicals are common and harmful to workers' health.
Finally, it is extremely important to note that gloves must be removed from the hands simultaneously, so that one hand does not contaminate the other.
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