The FFP2 mask is PPE used by many professionals looking for respiratory protection for very specific situations.
The main purpose of this type of mask is to protect breathing from dust, fumes, fibers and biological agents such as the coronavirus.
Why FFP2? This issue has been discussed for over a year due to the pandemic. However, we realize that there are still many doubts about the masks that need to be clarified (not least because we are living in a new wave of virus dispersion).
First of all, it's important to know the types of FFP2 Masks - with valve and without valve. Both have an effective bacterial filtration rate of 92%. The difference between the masks lies in the filtration of the air emitted to the outside.
FFP2 masks WITH valve
As it has a valve, this mask helps the wearer to regulate the temperature of the air trapped in the PPE in order to eliminate the creation of humidity, making breathing easier thanks to the action of the valve, which prevents condensation. É extremamente importante para prevenir a inalação de poeiras, por exemplo. However, when it comes to viruses, this type of mask is not recommended, because if the person is infected, they can pass the contaminated droplets on to the outside through the valve.
FFP2 Mask with Valve - Click here to see the product in the NorSafe Online Shop
Máscaras FFP2 SEM válvula
The FFP2 mask without valve is the most suitable for use against biological agents such as coronavirus. Compared to FFP1 masks without a valve or surgical masks, it offers greater protection against this agent. In addition to protection against the virus, this mask is generally used in sanitary environments due to the high level of safety it provides.
Disposable Mask FFP2 S/Valve - Click here to see the product in the NorSafe Online Shop
But what's the difference between the KN95, N95 or FFP2 Masks without a valve?
The difference between them is basically in their certification: FFP2 masks, with European certification, N95 masks, with North American certification and KN95 masks, with Chinese certification. On the other hand, US-certified N95 masks and Chinese-certified KN95 masks have 95% filtering capacity The European standard differs in that it uses liquid and solid substances in its testing methodology and pays greater attention to the user's ability to resist inhalation. It is important to note that most FFP2 masks are disposable, especially those used for virus protection.
Now that you're informed, stay tuned!
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