
The crash helmet - the difference between life and death!

25 March 2022

The use of safety helmets is essential in certain activities and, in most cases, can mean the difference between life and death.

Wearing a helmet correctly is one of the most important precautions against falling materials.

The head and skull must always be protected!

A small failure can lead to gigantic proportions, resulting in serious accidents that are ultimately fatal.

The purpose of safety helmets is to protect the head and skull, but they can also protect other parts of the body, such as the face, neck and shoulders.

Despite the undeniable risks of not using this type of equipment, many workers neglect to use it or use it incorrectly.

Employers are responsible for providing instructions on the correct use of all safety equipment. On the other hand, workers must ensure that they clarify any doubts with their employers.


Safety starts with making the right choice. We often hear complaints about safety helmets, saying that they are "cumbersome", "heavy" and "get in the way of the job", thus favoring exposure to many risks and the possibility of accidents.

Therefore, depending on the role of each professional, there are suitable protective helmets for each one.

It is essential to note that protective helmets can be of two types: type I and type II.

Type I helmets differ from type II helmets in that they do not have a visor and have a brim (the area around the shell) which can vary in size around the entire periphery of the helmet.


Type I helmets are more commonly used in construction work (in general), while type II helmets are more suitable for excavation work in galleries or other jobs that require greater efficiency in protecting the back of the head from falling objects or electrical discharges.

For example, aluminum alloy helmets used in firefighting should not be used in construction due to their electrical conductivity.


Below are some examples of what you should look out for when maintaining your safety helmet:

1º - Before use, the helmet must be inspected for defects in the shell and frame that could affect its protective capacity;

2º - The helmet should be washed regularly, as dirt can hide defects;

3º - A defective helmet should never be worn: when it has been hit hard (it should be destroyed as its protective capacity is compromised).


Climatic variations, use and incorrect packaging cause the materials to age, i.e. they alter the physical and mechanical characteristics of the helmets, which is why periodic checks and tests should be carried out.


NorSafe is a national reference in the field of safety at work, so we are able to help you equip all professionals to achieve better performance, clarify risks, rules, adjust helmets, etc.


Visit us via the online store and discover the wide range of protective helmets we have for you.


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