
Safety goggles, what's the difference between them?

9 September 2021

The main purpose of goggles is eye protection.

These prevent particles and other elements from jumping into the eyeball and its surrounding area, guaranteeing the health and safety of the employee.
There are various models and types of safety goggles, depending on the risk to which the employee is exposed. These risks can be, for example: ultraviolet radiation, particles and light from welding, chemicals or impacts from objects.

How do I identify the need for safety glasses?
Well, as soon as there are risks in the activity practiced by the employee that cannot be reduced or eliminated, PPE is essential. And could this risk affect the eyes? If the answer is yes, then eye protection is mandatory. Goggles are usually the equipment of choice.

Which goggles are suitable for the existing risks?

- Ultraviolet radiation.

Glasses that contain protection against ultraviolet radiation (EN 170:2002) are those with tinted lenses, thus protecting against intense light and ensuring that the employee does not suffer from ultraviolet rays.

Pci.L/Antirisk Adjustable Glasses "Astrilux" Gray

- Welding

Welding goggles meet the EN 175:1997 standard. This means that the safety glasses meet all the safety requirements and test methods for personal protective equipment used to protect the eyes and face of the operator against harmful optical radiation and other specific risks due to the usual welding processes, cutting and related techniques in order to combat radiation, flammability, mechanical and electrical risks.
É extremamente importante que os soldadores utilizem este EPI de forma a prevenir lesões oculares ou até mesmo cegueira, nos casos mais extremos.


Standard "RevLux" folding welding goggles


- Chemical risk

All workers who work with products containing corrosive substances (and which pose a danger at the slightest contact) are consequently subject to chemical risk.
In this case, it is essential that they have eye protection, anti-fog lenses and a good seal.

Anti-Fog Panoramic Glasses "ATOM" - Bollé


- Risk of impacts

Safety glasses suitable for impacts are usually worn over corrective glasses or on their own.
They are lightweight models with an adjustable angle to the face. The lenses are made of impact-resistant polycarbonate and offer protection against chemical splashes, both on the lens and on its side.


Bollé Sunglasses Colorless Lens


Then there are general-purpose goggles, which meet the EN 166:2001 standard.
This is the European standard that applies to all vision protection equipment (glasses, panoramic glasses, prescription glasses and visors) used against the various hazards that can damage or alter vision. These types of glasses are able to protect against small impacts, such as dust, metal debris or small particles.


Bollé Sunglasses with Adjustable Stems Colorless Lens


It's important to keep the workplace clean. Many eye accidents are caused by dust, small particles and other elements present in the workplace. Sometimes people don't realize they have a problem until they experience symptoms such as pain, reduced vision, burning, tearing, photophobia, redness or discharge. It is extremely important to go to the hospital or a specialist doctor as soon as possible if this happens.

It is extremely important to use safety equipment at work, to follow the specific safety rules for your job and to wear the right safety goggles. You can check out the different models:

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