A house fire is an uncontrolled fire process that most often occurs during everyday domestic activities.
But sometimes you ask yourself: "That only happens to other people, right?"
No! We all have to be careful, because it can start with a simple short circuit in the electricity system, a frying pan with boiling oil or even a faulty radiator. Anything is enough to start a fire.
It is important to implement fire prevention measures to protect your home from fatalities.
How to prevent it?
The best way to protect yourself is not to create hotspots in your home, such as: not drying clothes on heaters, putting cigarettes out properly before throwing them away,
unplug the iron after use, turn off the gas and gas meter, turn off all gas appliances before leaving the house, don't plug too many appliances into the same socket and be aware of the need to protect fireplaces and stoves.
It is also important to have your home inspected annually, both for electricity and gas.
It's extremely important to always have a fire extinguisher to hand!
CO2/Carbonic Fire Extinguisher 2Kg
Having a fire extinguisher is one of the most effective means of fire prevention. Commercial establishments open to the public are required by law to have such equipment.
The CO2 extinguisher has the particularity of protecting electrical installations so that they remain intact. This extinguisher is suitable for fighting Class B fires (flammable liquids such as oil, gasoline, alcohol, paints, varnishes...) and Class C fires (flammable gases such as natural gas, butane, propane, ethylene...).
The place where the extinguisher is kept must: - Be easily accessible; - Be visible to everyone; - Be stored where the fire is least likely to block access.
A fire extinguisher is a simple instrument to handle, but if you have any doubts, NorSafe will explain them to you when you buy it. Or if you prefer, ask your local fire department in your area.
For your convenience, NorSafe has created PackCasa, which includes everything you need to protect your home against fire and domestic accidents.
PackCasa - Composed of 6-person Pharmacy, CO2 Fire Extinguisher and Fireproof Blanket
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