
Do you know the difference between Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Collective Protective Equipment (CPE)?

3 January 2022

NorSafe explains:

In order to safeguard the well-being, safety and physical integrity of workers, companies must invest in safety measures that exponentially reduce the risks and dangers of the work to which their employees are subject.

The safety measures mentioned above are required by law and involve the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Collective Protective Equipment (CPE).

Protective equipment that must be worn:

While working on a construction site or in an industry, there must always be someone (anyone) capable of checking that all safety requirements have been met. It is crucial to ensure that everyone is safe before starting any work/project.

Within the range of equipment that the law stipulates must be used in sectors such as construction, catering and clothing (among other industries), there are two types of equipment that must be implemented and used by workers: personal protective equipment (PPE) and collective protective equipment (CPE).

What is Personal Protective Equipment?

We've already covered this topic in another article on this blog, which you can read via this link:

As you can see, this equipment is designed and suitable for individual use (by just one person). Their purpose is to protect employees from physical harm during working hours.

It is important to note that each employee must have their own PPE and that each sector or work area must adapt their Personal Protective Equipment to the specific requirements.

Examples of PPE:

Protective footwear

Tenis Aboutblu Le Mans Navy S3 SRC



Protective gloves

Glove T-Touch Chem Juba 5813


Protective helmet

ABS Tirreno TXR Textile Harness with Reg.


Safety harness

LightPlus11 Harness With Back Attachment + External + Belt



There are many other PPE items that companies can purchase, but they must be in line with the workers' working needs, such as goggles, protective clothing, masks and so on.

Collective Protection Equipment (CPE)

When we talk about Collective Protective Equipment, it also has the objective of safeguarding the physical integrity of the employee, but it is of general use and protects all actions globally.

For example, safety signs, eyewash showers, fire extinguishers and fall prevention nets (applied to the facades of buildings) are fundamental parts of collective safety.

In addition to the ones we've highlighted above, there are countless CPEs on sale for collective protection, such as barriers and protections on scaffolding, protection of electrical circuits, acoustic insulation, among many others.

In short, PPE is protective equipment designed for individual use, and each person is responsible for using it on a daily basis. Their purpose is to provide more effective protection, prioritizing safety during the course of work.

As far as EPC's are concerned, they operate in the collective sphere, thus guaranteeing the safety of a group of workers while carrying out their duties.

It is the responsibility of those in charge of the company or work/project to ensure that the EPCs are correctly implemented.


If PPE and CPE are used in combination, we can say that the work activity becomes much safer and more efficient.


As you know, NorSafe sells Personal and Collective Protective Equipment at very attractive prices.

Visit us through the Online Shop or at the Physical Store in Cortegaça (Ovar).

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